Solon High School Class of 1971


Welcome To The Class of '71 Website!

Come in, relax, make yourself at home, and enjoy exchanging memories and making new ones with your classmates. 

NEWS 4/2011:  For news about the upcoming 40th reunion, and other late-breaking tidbits, visit Jeff Eagle's blog,  or the SHS71 Facebook page.

Photo of high school, from 1970 Archive
[click for larger image]

30th Reunion News

Can you believe that it's been 30 years already since we were graduated?  Time flies!

Our reunion in August 2001 was great, offering a variety of activities -- an informal gathering at Quinn's Friday evening, a Saturday morning golf outing, a Saturday evening dinner at the Chagrin Valley Country Club, and a Sunday midday picnic in Metropolitan Park!

Click here to see more photos from Friday evening.  More photos coming soon!


Alumni News

These links will take you to more info about SHS'71 alumni:




These links should help to keep class members in touch with each other:


  • School Colors:  Blue & White

  • Nickname:  Comets

  • Alma Mater (view) (midi)

  • Coming soon -- Additional audio memories, including Hallelujah Chorus (from SHS 1970 recording)





This page is under construction.  Last updated 4/29/2011.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome! Please email them!


website developed & maintained by Diana Nelson, © 2001-2011